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Parent and Student Testimonial's 

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​"For many years the world has served as a classroom for my children.  As a veteran homeschool educator, I desired to find other creative ways to enhance my students' learning.  Although I often say I found the academy, I believe it found us.  With exciting discovery, the potential challenges of college preparation were thwarted because of our connection to the Maven Academy.  We have since graduated one student who is beginning her sophomore year in college and look forward to further learning with our youngest high schooler.  Study skills, group projects, hands-on-science, and field trips are just a few of the things that have boosted our students' learning, while providing an excellent alternative to traditional education. If you want to talk about price ... We can't afford to do it, but we can't afford NOT to do it!



"Hi I'm Nancy and my daughter Emily attends The Maven Academy.  I couldn't be happier with her experience there.  Emily is a special needs teen who thrives in a small class environment with individualized attention, and that's exactly what she gets at Maven. The teachers specialize in customizing the curriculum to meet your child's individual needs which makes learning flourish but never makes the child feel singled out because of these very differences,  Her fellow students are culturally diverse, for an even richer experience.  If you are looking for the highest quality education you can find in the state of Maryland, with teachers and staff that are unequaled, consider The Maven Academy, you'll be making the best choice for your child!"

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